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Quick Swedish frying pan bread — glödhoppor
No yeast, no waiting — just making a dough, frying and then devouring fresh bread.
Fresh sour milk cheese
Fresh sour milk cheese might be the easiest cheese you can make.
Hanhivittikko summer farm
Hanhivittikko has a somewhat uncommon building for a summer farm – a sauna!
Bastberget summer farm
Bastberget used to be the largest summer farm of Scandinavia.
Krype summer farm
Krype summer farm is once again active after many decades of being a Sleeping Beauty.
Svedbovallen summer farm
Svedbovallen is one of the most well-visited summer farms in Sweden.

Take the Swedish baking quiz
What delicious Swedish thing would you like to bake next? With so many options, it can be difficult to choose…
So, why not let the Swedish baking quiz guide you to the perfect choice for you? Yes, you’ll even get the recipe.

Come to the Swedish summer farms
Swedish summer farms were an essential part of Swedish dairy production for hundreds of years. They are part of the future’s sustainable food production, too. That’s why I’ll travel around Sweden to document them in text, photo, and video. Hopefully, you can visit them one day soon — if not in real life, then at least from the couch.
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For the love of (homemade) butter
Have you tried making your own cultured butter? Get the best tips and tricks for making your own yellow gold at home, without any special equipment.
You’ll also learn how butter was made in Sweden during the 19th century.