by Isabelle Fredborg | Jul 30, 2021
“Coffee, black as the soul, and some crushed dreams.” That café order should be enough to write you off as a lunatic. But in Sweden, you’ll just sound dramatic (and a bit high-maintenance — can’t you break up the cookies yourself?). In any case, it should hopefully...
by Isabelle Fredborg | Aug 28, 2020
Swedish farmer cookies — bondkakor — both look and sound modest. Nothing special, surely? But don’t be fooled. On a November Thursday in 1954, the press gathered to see the brand new, modern kitchen at the royal palace of Drottningholm. In contrast with the...
by Isabelle Fredborg | Jul 17, 2020
Actually, “Swedish jam cookies” sounds too plain. Let’s be daring and use the direct translation for hallongrottor — “raspberry caves”. That name sounds a bit more… evocative, no? While the cookie is perfectly innocent, I am not the only one who thinks...
by Isabelle Fredborg | Mar 22, 2019
Are these cookies schackrutor, or brysselkex? Until recently, that was an odd question. Naturally, they are checkerboard cookies, and that’s that. Then it turned out that they had been lumped together with a completely different cookie. Yes, this is what drama...