No yeast, no waiting — just making a dough, frying and then devouring fresh bread.

No yeast, no waiting — just making a dough, frying and then devouring fresh bread.
Fresh sour milk cheese might be the easiest cheese you can make.
Hanhivittikko has a somewhat uncommon building for a summer farm – a sauna!
Bastberget used to be the largest summer farm of Scandinavia.
Krype summer farm is once again active after many decades of being a Sleeping Beauty.
Svedbovallen is one of the most well-visited summer farms in Sweden.
Avasjö, Lappland In 1893, new laws made it possible for farmers in Avasjö to divide the communal fields and forests between them. Instead of having all the village’s cattle in the summer farm Ol-Tomas, they had their own summer farms. Anders ”Ante” Persson and his...
These tips will give you a great visit at the Swedish summer farms.
A simple way to make dinner far more fancy.
Do you need an excuse for devouring another cinnamon bun? Don’t worry. Science comes to the rescue.