“Queen’s jam” with raspberries and blueberries
Queen’s jam is the divine (or at least regal) mix of raspberries and blueberries.
Farmer cookies — a humble favorite
Bondkakor, or Swedish farmer cookies, both look and sound modest. Nothing special, surely? But don’t be fooled.
Västerbotten cheese pie — a modern classic
Västerbotten cheese pie has become a Swedish classic in only a few decades.
Cold poached salmon — a perfect summer dish
Cold poached salmon is a typical Swedish summer dish that is just as delicious as it is convenient.
Swedish “chocolate cuts” cookies — chokladsnittar
Chokladsnittar, or cut chocolate cookies, is one of the workhorse cookies that are part of the standard café selection.
Swedish raspberry caves, or jam cookies
“Swedish jam cookies” sounds too plain. Let’s be daring and use the direct translation for hallongrottor — “raspberry caves”.
Tango cake from the 1920s
The recipe to this tango cake from the 1920s comes from Elsa Anderssons Konditori in Norberg.
Swedish sandwich cake
If you wanted to make it into Guinness Book of World Records, what would you do? Well, in 1985, a man named Hasse "Hasse P" Pettersson decided that he would put his slandered hometown Köping on the map again by making the world's longest sandwich cake, or...
Strawberry cake — perfect for Midsummer
Can’t guarantee the weather, but we’ll still have summer as long as there’s this cake.