Advent calendar
A Swedish Christmas food classic, every day until Christmas. Food history, stop motion-animation, and irresistible archive images.
You don’t want to miss that, right?
Saffron cake—not just for Saint Lucia’s day
This saffron cake is stunning no matter what time of the year you serve it—and it keeps good for days.
Swedish saffron buns for St Lucy’s Day
Saffron buns are generally called lussekatter, “lusse cats”, but it looks like we got the animal wrong…
Kavring—Swedish rye bread
Kavring is a dense and sweet rye bread that keeps well for days.
Risgrynsgröt—Swedish Christmas rice porridge
Rice porridge is traditionally served at Christmas. If you find the hidden almond in your portion, it is said that you’ll marry the upcoming year.
Klenäter—Swedish deep-fried Christmas pastries
Want to feast like a king? Then bake klenäter, a favorite of king Gustav Vasa.
Swedish curd cake from Småland
This festive curd cake is easier to make than you think—and will easily feed a large, grateful party.
Ris à la Malta—rice pudding with orange
Leftover Christmas rice porridge. Oranges in season. What do you do? This dessert.
Swedish Christmas toffees—knäck
Swedish Christmas toffee, knäck, might endanger teeth, but even sensitive teeth can enjoy the caramel flavor by boiling the toffee soft and sticky.
Gravlax — Swedish cured salmon with dill
Swedes enjoy gravlax as an essential part of the festive Swedish smörgåsbord, such as Christmas, served with a sweet and strong mustard sauce.